The Akashic Records:

A realm/dimension of light that holds each individual’s ‘Book of Life.’ The Akasha holds all information about a person through their soul’s journey across lifetimes. It’s a registry of every thought, action, path, dream, incarnation, et cetera of everything living thing on Earth. It’s a pure space that cannot be used for harm or ill-intent, because it’s sanctity is preserved by Keepers who have been delegated by The Most High God of our universe.

The Akashic Records is used to figure out the “What? How? and Why?” of our experiences. It allows us to take an in depth look at ourselves at a soul level in order for us to evolve.

With it, we can discover our soul’s purpose, gifts and talents, ancestry, soul groups, ways to prosper in our career and finances, business insights, and more. All of the information we gather is to be used to better our lives, so that we can live out our Divine Truth.

It can be used to:

  • Get to the root of addictions

  • Break bad habits

  • End repetitive cycles

  • Grow your business

  • Discover how to use your gifts and talents to be successful in life

  • Heal lifetimes of unrest

  • Remove blockages in career, finances, relationships, etc.

  • Dream clarity and recall

  • Past Life exploration


Get to know your guides

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The Master Plan SessionS

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General Akashic Check-Ins

By Phone only